Florida Gateway College is proud to present Sean Dietrich, aka Sean of the South! Sean returns to Lake City where he’ll be playing guitar, singing and telling stories. After the show, he’ll be doling out his world-famous hugs, shaking hands and signing books.
Join us for this special evening on Saturday, April 6th, 2024! Tickets are available at this link: Florida Gateway College presents Sean of the South LIVE in Lake City, FL Tickets in Lake City, FL, United States (ticketleap.com)
Doors open at 5:00 pm; the show starts at 6:00 pm. Follow this event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1022036792436665?mibextid=Z0UBBX&paipv=0&eav=AfZbT7bsXJw06JGJmRCxNdal-px06o5-xpXXTkd7dTVHC6FK0dDIbxcUbZ6hAvIy0KA&_rdr